Sustainability and Camfaud’s Road to Net Zero
At Camfaud, we recognise the importance of sustainability, and as a minimum, we align with Government targets to achieve net zero carbon emissions.
We believe that sustainability is an opportunity to make a positive impact on our environment and community. We’re committed to integrating sustainable practices into every aspect of our operations to ensure a better future for generations to come.
We have engaged with external consultants to help us achieve our net zero targets by identifying areas to make impactful change.
Camfaud’s key areas driving decarbonisation success
We have identified key decarbonisation focus areas with short-, medium- and long-term actions:

Own Fleet
Our own operated and non operated fleet is responsible for over 50% of total emissions through its diesel consumption. Therefore, it is a crucial focus to our success in achieving our net-zero target.
To help reduce emissions, Camfaud has invested significantly in latest and new equipment, which have Euro 6/Stage V engines to reduce emissions.
New Technologies
We also continue to invest in new technologies including electric equipment, such as the new iONTRON hybrid concrete pump, to further reduce emissions.
When used in electric mode, the new iONTRON pump can pump concrete without producing any emissions at a typical delivery rate of 100 m3/h whilst reducing noise levels on site by 50%.
There remain other opportunities as technologies develop and as market leader, Camfaud will consider these as part of its investment planning.

Site and Buildings
While Camfaud’s sites and buildings produce less than 5% of total emissions, several key areas can be addressed.
These include reducing energy consumption, utilising low-emissions technologies, and measurement and awareness training for staff.
After upgrading to LED lighting and installing new waste systems, we are now exploring renewable energy sources, seeking to adopt low-emissions policies and implement staff training.
The products and services purchased by Camfaud account for less than 10% of total emissions.
Having improved our data collection and reporting, we are now focused on engaging suppliers to develop low-emission products and operations that meet our net-zero targets.
People and Travel
This area addresses the emissions linked to employee travel, which currently accounts for less than 10% of the total emissions.
To meet our goals, we aim to engage employees to change habits around the use of petrol and diesel cars.
We are also seeking to introduce electric company cars and incentivised green commuting schemes with EV charging points.

Keep up to date with Camfaud’s activity on our news page or contact our team with any enquiries.