Camfaud Group is proud to be supporting Movember, the men’s health charity, and we’re thrilled to introduce our fantastic Mo Bro’s who have gladly accepted the challenge!
👉 Meet Jack, our dedicated pump operator from our Scotland depot. He’s ready to rock the ‘stache for a great cause!
👉 Say hello to Dan, our brilliant Special Product Manager based at our Head Office in Epping. He’s committed to raising awareness and funds for Movember.
👉 And let’s not forget Peter, our exceptional Technical Director, who’s joining the ranks to make a difference.
👉 And now, a warm welcome to Mike, our skilled Workshop Fitter from Astley, who’s stepping up to join this noble cause.
👉 Last but not least, meet Jordan, our Expert Workshop Fitter from Epping, who’s adding his strength to our Movember mission!