Camfaud’s large concrete placing boom pumps are ideal for the many wind farms that we help to construct. The pumps of choice for our customers are the M36 mobile concrete pump and M44. They can reach the whole of the bases under construction with all of the concrete being placed off the boom – an important consideration when 300, 400 or even 500 cubic metres of concrete are to be placed.
We are currently working at the Chelveston Wind Farm, part of the Chelveston Wind Energy Park on a former RAF airfield on the Northamptonshire / Bedfordshire border. We are helping to construct the bases for the 9 turbines which will, in time, provide up to 22.5 mW of clean, green, renewable energy; a major contribution to the region’s renewable energy targets.
At Chelveston, we have supplied M44 and M52 mobile concrete pumps – singly for the blinding layers and in tandem for the large base pours. With two mobile concrete pumps working on the base pours, the concrete can be placed steadily without any fears of a cold joint. Chelveston Renewable Energy Ltd plan to follow up the wind farm development with a solar panel farm, an anaerobic digestion plant and bio-oil electricity generators on the site. We hope to be back at Chelveston Wind Energy Park when these green energy projects get to the construction stage.